How the subscription works
Each month, the Fly Predictor will be delivered via an email which includes a hyperlink to the Fly Predictor web-app and login information. It's that simple!
About the Fly Predictor
The Fly Predictor subscription provides access to an interactive web-app that uses cutting edge AI models to predict the aquatic flies that are most likely to occur in any stream or river section in the contiguous U.S. Over 300 different flies are included in the Fly Predictor and the top 10 flies most likely to occur at your entered location will be returned. Then click on the names of the flies to learn details, view pictures, and purchase matching fly patterns. Works great on PC and mobile!
The Fly Predictor helps answer the questions: what fly should I use and what aquatic insect is my fly imitating? How should I fish the fly to make it as realistic as possible to the trout? And approximately when should I fish the various life-stages of each fly (e.g., nymph, emerger, dry fly)?
The Fly Predictor is not a substitute for a local fly shop. However, the Fly Predictor is a good place to start to:
- learn the ecology (e.g., developmental stage) and associated fishing tips for the flies that are likely to occur in the stream/river you will be fishing,
- stock up on good fly imitations before your trip, and
- gain insight on the vast number of lesser-known streams/rivers that don’t have local fly shops nearby.
*by purchasing a subscription, you agree to the Terms of Service.